Story Artist | Game Designer | Wildlife Conservationist

Keyframe illustration of my own IP (part of a collaborative anthology series with The Canid Project, a wildlife non-profit), Escape to Apple Wick Hill

AR/VR Educational Technologies

VR Design Doc | AR Design Doc (PDF) | Visual Development | Dev Blog | Art Book | AR App Book

CSpresso is an educational AR/VR experience, designed to teach children about binary math and computer science. The VR portion is designed for the Oculus Quest, which is a standalone headset. The standalone feature allows users to move around, freely as there are no wires attached to it. The AR portion is designed to work with a storybook, where the user solves binary math problems via interactions on their mobile or tablet device. My role on this project included visual development, narrative design, UX research and UX design. It was a rewarding collaborative effort comprised of researchers, educators, designers and developers. It was demoed at Oculus Connect 6, 2019 in San Jose.

Walkthrough of our binary math level of C-Spresso for Oculus Quest. Walkthrough is done in editor with the Rift using movement from the handsets, not actually walking around the 20'x20' space. This is the high fidelity prototype with final 3D models and polished UX flows and tutorial.

Walkthough of our binary math level of C-Spresso as a mobile AR app. Meant to demonstrate how sections of textbooks could be designed as supplemental AR-enabled learning tools for students needing visual and/or tactile learnings aids.

Walkthrough of C-Spresso Quest Low Fidelity Prototype on 5/27/19. Only used 3D primitives and probuilder in unity to user test our ideas for a binary math lesson focusing on physically walking loop structures and pulling levers to set binary parameters.

Social AR/VR UX Research

Theater AR Use Case | Social VR UX Research

Avatar Messaging App

UX Research | UX Design | Visual Development

I was a mobile product designer with a tech start-up developing a mobile app called Flutter, which is avatar based messaging service. Although Product Designer was my main title, I wore many hats during this project. My roles included the following responsibilities:

  • Product Designer- designing user flows, user personas, user case storyboards, UI and interaction design, while collaborating with the rest of the team in order to create a unique social media experience.

  • UX/UI Design-Defined what the user experience should entail based on UX research and technical requirements, established by CTO and CIO

  • Visual Design- Create overall look and feel of messaging app, created all unique art assets (avatars & backgrounds)

  • Branding Materials- Logo designs, marketing materials, color scheme, typography

  • Design Lead- Frequent communications with the project manager and developers

VR Vision Therapy Game

Design Doc | Visual Development

Haunted Seas is a virtual reality vision therapy game, designed to enhance patient compliance in young patients when undergoing therapy for a condition called Convergence Insufficiency Syndrome. My job was to create a world that patients could get lost in so that they could forget that they are receiving therapy and instead, are brave pirates, sailing around an enchanted world. The game mechanics were designed to use eye tracing in virtual reality to force the patient to do repeated eye rotations and was effective in improving children’s vision therapy experiences. It has recently won European Auggie Award for “Most Innovative Breakthrough” in 2018 AWE EU.

Research award video including some explanation of my role on the project.

Demo video of the VR vision therapy game with eye-tracking disabled. Shows one therapy repetition that repeats with rests for a one hour session.

Demo video of the VR vision therapy game with eye tracking disabled. Game mechanics are simplified and sped up to demo one hour therapy in a few minutes. Audio is placeholder and was replaced in final version.